4 Unexpected Benefits of Pilates

4 Unexpected Benefits of Pilates

4 Unexpected Benefits of Pilates Pilates strengthens abs, alleviates back pain, increases flexibility, and improves focus through core exercises

4 Unexpected Benefits of Pilates

If you've ever watched someone do Pilates and thought it looked easy, you might be surprised by its challenging and transformative effects on both body and mind. Here are four significant ways Pilates can benefit you:

1. Develop Washboard Abs

Pilates is renowned for strengthening the core, including the rectus abdominis ("six-pack" muscles). Research from Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise shows that after 36 weeks of Pilates training, women increased their rectus abdominis strength by 21% and improved muscle balance between their core sides. Here are two effective Pilates ab exercises to start with:

The Hundred

How to do it:

  • Lie flat on a mat with legs together, arms by your sides, and fingers pointed.
  • Lift legs a few inches off the mat, engage glutes and abs, lift head to look towards toes.
  • Extend arms over thighs and pump up and down energetically.
  • Aim for 100 pumps total, divided into sets of 10.

Why it's effective:

Defines lower abs and strengthens deep core muscles.

Single Leg Circles

How to do it:

  • Lie flat on back with legs straight up towards ceiling.
  • Circle one leg across body and down towards ankle, then reverse.
  • Complete 5 circles each direction per leg.

Why it's effective:

Challenges core stability, improves hip mobility, and strengthens quads and hamstrings.

2. Ease Back Pain

Pilates is beneficial for alleviating and preventing lower back pain by strengthening core muscles that support the spine and improve spinal alignment. Here's a helpful exercise:

Pelvic Tilt to Pelvic Curl

How to do it:

  • Lie on back with knees bent, feet flat and aligned hip-distance apart.
  • Tilt pelvis by engaging abs to press lower spine into the floor.
  • Press feet down, curling tailbone up towards ceiling in a controlled motion.
  • Rest on shoulder blades with straight line from hips to shoulders, hold for 5 seconds.
  • Roll spine back down slowly, touching upper back to mat first.

Why it's effective:

Releases spinal pressure, strengthens glutes and core.

3. Increase Flexibility

Pilates exercises promote both strength and flexibility in major muscle groups, fostering long, lean muscles, improved elasticity, and joint mobility. Enhance your flexibility with:

The Swan

How to do it:

  • Lie face down with forehead on mat, arms bent, elbows close, and palms down.
  • Extend legs straight, a few inches apart.
  • Lift upper body from upper back while pressing pubic bone into mat, engage abs and glutes.
  • Hold for a count of five before lowering and repeating.
  • Why it's effective:
  • Stretches abdominal muscles and hip flexors, strengthens abs, back, shoulders, inner thighs, and hamstrings.

4. Improve Focus

Pilates requires continuous focus on breathing and precise movement, fostering a deep mind-body connection. The methodical approach of moving vertebrae by vertebrae enhances concentration, promoting faster brain cell growth and more effective nervous system connections. 

If you seek a workout that challenges both body and mind, improves major muscle groups, and enhances flexibility, Pilates is an excellent choice. Explore Pilates classes suitable for all levels at our Manhattan locations and discover the transformative benefits firsthand. Whether you're a practitioner or instructor, we welcome you to join our community at our 57th location. Contact us today for more details!