Why Celebrities Love Working Out at CompleteBody Gym in Manhattan

Why Celebrities Love Working Out at CompleteBody Gym in Manhattan

Celebrities often choose CompleteBody Gym in Manhattan for their fitness needs, thanks to its prime locations, high-end amenities...

CompleteBody News
Jul 26, 2024

Why Celebrities Love Working Out at CompleteBody Gym in Manhattan

When it comes to fitness, celebrities can be quite particular about where they train. That's why it’s noteworthy that many celebrities choose CompleteBody Gym in Manhattan. This gym has become a hotspot for stars looking to stay in top shape. Here’s why CompleteBody is the go-to gym for celebrities.

Prime Manhattan Locations Attract Celebs

Location is a key factor. Celebrities in Manhattan for movie shoots or events often choose CompleteBody. Those residing in New York also prefer this gym. Its prime locations in Hanover Square and 19th Street in Chelsea make it a convenient choice.

Top-Notch GYM Amenities and Privacy

CompleteBody offers high-end amenities, state-of-the-art equipment, and the privacy that celebrities need. The gym provides an environment where they can focus on their fitness goals without distractions.

Serious About Fitness

What truly sets CompleteBody apart is the dedication to fitness. Celebrities know they can achieve their goals here, whether it’s preparing for a role or maintaining their physique. The commitment to movement, strength, and exercise is evident.

Celebrity Workouts at CompleteBody

Take Keanu Reeves, for instance. The actor trained at the Hanover Square location to get in shape for "John Wick 2" His trainer, Patrick Murphy, emphasized stabilizing joints and enhancing strength despite Reeves’ injuries. Ruby Rose, known for her roles in "Orange Is The New Black" and "John Wick 2," also trained here, working out seven days a week focusing on strength training.

Celebrities at 19th Street Gym

The 19th Street Gym in Chelsea, known as “Manhattan’s Only Authentic Bodybuilding Gym,” has hosted numerous celebrities. Shane McMahon, Jennifer Grey, and Eka Darville have all trained here. Fashion designer Marc Jacobs, actress Sally Field, and TV journalist Anderson Cooper also frequent this gym. Leslie Jones from SNL often shares her workouts at 19th Street on Instagram.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson trains at 19th Street Gym when in town, calling it a “hardcore basement gym that doesn’t f**k around.” Charlie Cox, star of the "Daredevil" TV series, works out here to maintain his superhero physique.

Hanover Square Gym’s Celebrity Visitors

50 Cent, the rapper known for his impressive physique, trains at the Hanover Square location. He was even featured on the cover of Muscle and Fitness Magazine. His rigorous workout routine includes bag work, battling ropes, pushups, and more, focusing on supersets and control.


CompleteBody Gym in Manhattan stands out as a top choice for celebrities due to its prime locations, exceptional amenities, and serious approach to fitness. The CompleteBody 19th Street location, known for its premier bodybuilding facilities and top-notch equipment, is the best place for bodybuilders in NYC. Whether preparing for a movie role or maintaining peak physical condition, stars trust CompleteBody to meet their fitness needs.