Choosing the best group fitness workout

Choosing the best group fitness workout

Navigating the world of group fitness classes can be daunting for beginners, but it doesn’t have to be!

The Beginner’s Guide to Choosing the Best Group Fitness Workout

If you’re looking for flexibility and variety in your workout routines, group fitness classes offer a fantastic way to achieve this. However, choosing the best group fitness workout can be tricky if you’re new to fitness.

Which workouts are best for newbies?

What groups should you join to reach specific fitness goals?

No matter what group you choose, you'll likely have fun. However, having a bit of information upfront can boost your confidence.

A Simple Strategy for Choosing the Best Group Fitness Workout

Here's a straightforward strategy for choosing the best group fitness workout for you and your goals. We've also included descriptions of common group fitness classes and some classes offered at our popular 57th Street and Hanover Street locations in Manhattan.

1. Look for Group Fitness Workouts That Meet Your Physical Needs

You have plenty of options when choosing the best group fitness workout. If you need something low-impact and focused on flexibility and stability, try a yoga class like Vinyasa Flow. Several group fitness classes suit people with injuries or those new to fitness. For high-intensity workouts, consider classes like Circuit25 at CompleteBody’s Hanover Street and 57th Street locations.

2. Choose a Group Workout That Fits Your Schedule

If your schedule is busy, that’s okay. Look for group workouts that fit your schedule. Consider the class length, when it’s offered, and how much time you’ll need after the class to finish your day. Choose weekend classes or group fitness workouts that are before or after work. Many gyms coordinate their classes to accommodate various schedules, so you shouldn't have difficulty finding at least one group fitness workout that fits your routine.

3. Find a Group Fitness Workout You Can Commit To

Try to find something you can do regularly and commit to for a while. This consistency is key to getting results. It’s nice to find a class you can occasionally pop into, but it’s much better if you can commit to it. You'll see improvement over time and develop relationships with other class members. Support from others often helps us stick to a workout routine, making it more likely you'll enjoy the class and stick with it.

Popular Group Fitness Workouts You Should Try

Now that you know how to choose the best group fitness workout, here is a list of popular, effective, and fun group fitness classes you should try. Some of these are exclusive to CompleteBody Gym’s locations in Manhattan. If you’re in Manhattan, check out our list of over 20 different group fitness classes designed to meet your needs and fit into your schedule.

1. Barre

If you haven’t tried a Barre workout, you’re missing out! Barre classes provide a head-to-toe workout focusing on your core and stability, incorporating ballet-inspired exercises. CompleteBody’s popular Barre Fusion class, which includes Pilates for a full-body sculpting workout, is offered at the 57th Street and Hanover Street locations.

2. Yoga & Pilates

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise, breathing, and meditation. For beginners, try a Vinyasa group fitness class, such as Vinyasa Flow, to learn how to transition between positions, strengthen your core, and improve focus. If you’re already strong, consider Buti Yoga, a power yoga class. Pilates is another excellent option for beginners, offering maximum results with low-impact exercises. Try Yogalates, which combines Yoga and Pilates for a lean, strong, and flexible body.

3. 15\15\15

This group fitness class at CompleteBody’s Midtown East location involves 15 minutes of warm-up, 15 minutes of bodyweight exercises at your own pace, followed by 15 minutes focused on the core, stretching, and cooling down. These NYC fitness classes offer a blend of individual pace and team environment, making them great for any fitness level.

4. Sculpting

Sculpting classes help you shape your body, get lean, and have fun using light weights like kettlebells or dumbbells, and bodyweight exercises. Classes often include a small amount of cardio as a warm-up. Check out Cardio Sculpt for a unique blend of cardio and sculpting. Our 57th Street location offers various sculpting classes like Cardio Latin Sculpt and Core Sculpt.


High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves intense, calorie-burning exercises in a short period. CompleteBody Gym’s signature HIIT class, CBXT, is a 45-minute session of incredibly intense exercise. HIIT classes offer huge benefits in a short time, making them popular for those looking for an effective workout.

6. Spinning

Spinning classes are perfect for bike enthusiasts who want to ride safely year-round. These classes range from beginner to advanced levels, incorporating heart-pumping music and routines to keep you engaged.

7. Zumba

Zumba classes are a fun way to burn calories with Latin dance moves. Even if you’re not a great dancer, Zumba can be an exciting and effective workout.

8. Aqua/Water Fitness, Bootcamps, and Other Classes

Aqua workouts offer a fun and challenging way to exercise in the water. Boot camps, core workouts, boxing, and other group classes provide variety and challenge to your fitness routine.

9. BootyPump & Barbell Strength

BootyPump is a barbell workout designed to get you lean, toned, and fit quickly, burning up to 540 calories per session. Instructors guide you through scientifically proven moves and techniques with great music and motivation. Barbell Strength is a high-energy, bodybuilding workout, burning up to 740 calories per class. It incorporates moves from various traditional bodybuilding exercises, making it an exciting and effective workout.


Choosing the best group fitness workout is about finding what’s right for your body, schedule, and commitment level. If you’ve struggled to stick to a routine in the past, focus on a group class that fits easily into your schedule and eases you into a new workout routine. You’ll be more likely to stick with it and see results.

By purchasing CompleteBody’s Membership, all of the above classes are included. So what are you waiting for? Join today!